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Let's begin.
01)-The new generation (Heisei era) Kamen Rider began in 2000 after a 11 year series ending.
02)-Runescape: that affected my life. (Too long of a story to tell, but trust me it really did)
03)-Transformers had it's 20th & 25th anniversary.
04)-I bought a XBOX 360 in 2008.
05)-Youtube: it affected my life more than Runescape (yeah, that`s a big surprise)
06)-A big dent in my wallet from all the toys I bought in this decade.
07)-Made a NG account. I`m on it everyday, just like Youtube.(on Youtube more, haha)I blame Urban.
08)-I found out I lived near urban_pyramid when I moved to my new house.
09)-Went postal on an Arcade game.
10)-I got ditched at Walmart. For detail(check my very first 10 post, it`s one of them)
That's beautiful ray